BONFANTI Cereal Dryers, total heat recovery

Cereal dryers are machines that utilize large volumes of air and heat to dry cereals for preservation. This process has become increasingly important due to rising costs of electricity and natural gas, which significantly affect management expenses. For this reason, improving dryer performance is increasingly important, as there is a need for greater energy recovery […]

The software for the humidity probes of BONFANTI dryers has been improved The software for the humidity probes of BONFANTI dryers has been improved Over the past few years we have developed a sensor for measuring the humidity of the cereal, in order to be able to control the drying speed and the production of BONFANTI dryers directly by checking the real humidity of the seed.These [...]

New investment also for BuchachAgroHlebProm

Buchachagrohlebprom has recently opened/started a new elevator line for the storage of 30 thousand tonnes of cereal for a total capacity of 95 thousand tonnes.  Silos, Bonfanti cereal dryers, and transport systems have been installed.  The plant has in fact passed all the tests and is ready for new harvests; this will enable 50 railway [...]

GPZKY installs new Bonfanti dryers

As part of the plan to rebuild and renew the capacity of the cereal reception and storage facilities, assembly of the Bonfanti grain dryers is going ahead at the branches of the Grebenkovsky elevator (Poltava Oblast) and Krolevetsky KHP (Sumy Oblast) – Ukraine. Their capacity in corn production is 1000 tonnes/day each, guaranteeing a reduction [...]